And tonight, after my big promotion, we're gonna party till we're purple! Sonota: That sounds like the manager of the new sugar cube corner 2. Pinkie Pie: Okie dokie lokie! see you at the ceremony. Pinkie Pie: I just wanted to say I'll be thanking you in my managerial acceptance speech today! Pinkie Pie: *giggles* There's no shower at work silly! Rarity: Whatever it is, can't it wait until we get to work? Pinkie Pie: I have to tell you something, Rarity. Rarity: AAAHH Pinkie Pie! What are you doing in here? Pinkie Pie: ♪.ee, la da doo, la da dum, Bum Bum Bum, Da da da.♪ Rarity and Pinkie Pie: ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum,La da d.♪ Rarity: ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum, La da dee, la da doo, la da dum.♪ Pinkie Pie: Who's it gonna be, Gummy? Well, let's ask my wall of 374 consecutive employee-of-the-month awards. Because today is the grand-opening ceremony of the Sugar cube corner 2, where Mrs. Pinkie Pie: Hooray! Gummy! I had that dream again! And it’s finally going to come true! Today! Sorry about this, calendar. Order up! *she smiles*Īll : Three cheers for the manager! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hip! I want you to do me a favor, Persnickety. Persnickety: I got a wife and two beautiful children. Pinkie Pie: You got a family, Persnickety? come on persnickety! stay with me. Persnickety: I'm really scared here Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Get a hold of yourself, Cherry. When the customer took a bite, no blueberry's! It started out as a simple order: a cupcake with with blueberry's. I'd rather not discuss 'till my manager gets here. [The camera pans down into Bikini Bottom in front of sugar cube cornerįrench Narrator: Hey, wait a minute. Our story begins in ponyville's popular equeastrian popular eatery sugar cube corner, where. Octavia: Vinyl: Inkie: /4as.French Narrator: Ah,the ponyville. Princess Luna, Queen Chrysalis, Trixie, Lyra, Derpy, Big Mac, Rarity, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Cadance, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy (Flutterbat at 8 pokes), Princess Celestia, Fluffle Puff, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Octavia, Vinyl, Sombra, Sunset Shimmer, Gilda, Berry Punch, Mane-iac, Shining Armor, Spike, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed, Zecora, Doctor Whooves, Minuette, Bon Bon, Spitfire, Marble Pie, Maud Pie, Golden Harvest, Apple Fritter, Flash Sentry, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Royal Guard, Fausticorn.ĭue to many people asking for it, here are the sources of sound loops:

Here is the list of all the ponies you can find in "No Touching":

I decided to move on to my next project - hopefully I will be able to show all you something as fun soon enough. I am completely amazed at how much views this got! It was very fun adding all those ponies and hopefully you guys had fun poking them. Ok guys and gals, this is it, unless there are some bugs or misspellings, this is the final version of "No Touching!".