This is to see how quickly the seller may deliver your order. Tip: Refer to the seller’s delivery time period, which is how long it takes for them to complete the delivery within a certain timeframe after your payment has been secured and verified. Confirm the delivery once the seller completes the transaction for the seller to receive his/her disbursement.Wait for the seller to deliver your items as per agreement.Browse the webpage on which seller you’d want to transact with, buy the necessary SL Linden dollars you need and checkout! The PlayerGuardian secures the payment for you.Once you’re done with setting up your account, go to the ALL GAMES section and find “Second Life” and choose “Linden”.Register on the “I want to buy” on our website if you’re a new user.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy Second Life Lindens: With a community-style simulator like Second Life, acquiring SL Linden dollars are pretty hard to come by, thanks to our vast marketplace with over 250 plus games to choose from, you’ll never have to try your hand on any unsafe 3rd party websites! Getting your much needed Second Life Lindens here at PlayerAuctions is fast and easy! Minimal effort is required and everything is laid out for you to fill up on.