
Bicubic or bilinear
Bicubic or bilinear

bicubic or bilinear

But with those studies and the others I’ve included here I started to value the distinctive ‘zing’ they could give, and on another level just as much. The Measure Timing block displays the size of the output frames.While working on the studies featured in my recent post Digital painting I developed, for the first time, a strong attraction towards pixels! Up to then I’d always considered them blemishes to be blended over, or even when I’d descend down there to work amongst them, as building blocks which are meant to disappear within the whole when seen from afar. Use the FIFO when you want to take advantage of the increased blanking interval to perform further computations on the pixel stream. After the imresize(downsample) subsystem, the Pixel Stream FIFO block consolidates the output pixels into contiguous lines of valid pixels surrounded by blanking intervals of invalid pixels. To avoid aliasing introduced by lowering the sampling rate, the model includes a lowpass filter before the imresize(downsample) subsystem. Double-click the imresize(downsample) subsystem to set its parameters.

bicubic or bilinear

You can specify a scale factor ranging from 1.000 to 127.999, or you can define the output frame width and height in pixels. Similar to the imresize function, the imresize(downsample) subsystem in this model supports two ways to define the output image size. When the phase is 2, the algorithm calculates coefficients to generate the interpolated pixel in the second position. When the phase is 1, the algorithm calculates coefficients to generate the interpolated pixel in the first position. When the phase is 0, the algorithm returns the original input pixel value. The phase, shown in the bottom line of the figure, is an index that selects which pixels are needed for the output image. This example implements a more efficient version of the downsample step by generating interpolated pixels only when they are needed in the output image. The indexes after downsampling show that not all the interpolated pixels are used in the output image.

Bicubic or bilinear